Having a strong online presence is the most effective digital marketing strategy for businesses today. Having a website allows the business to display its services and products on the Internet, in addition to creating niche content to attract potential customers.

Since the popularization of web pages, infinite tools emerged to facilitate the creation and design of websites. WordPress is one of the best-known platforms, as it allows you to create a website without being a developer or expert.

Anyone can use WordPress and learn to use it intuitively and easily. And another of the characteristics of this CMS is its large number of themes, which are templates on which one designs the website. In addition, it allows you to install plugins and add-ons that add functionality to the platform.

Divi is both: a theme and a plugin that makes it easy to create websites in WordPress, as well as one of the most popular alternatives for building professional pages. If you are interested in knowing how to optimize SEO in Divi, this is your article!

What is Divi?

As we mentioned, Divi is a theme associated with DiviBuilder , which is a WordPress plugin. Although slightly different, both allow the design of quality web pages without the need for programming knowledge. Furthermore, these are extremely simple and quick tools to use.

When you design with Divi, the result is a minimalist, aesthetic and professional website. In turn, in recent times Divi has integrated new functions and now you can also design effective online stores with the tool.

By integrating with WordPress, you will leverage the benefits and best features of both tools to create the best website for your business or project. But what if you want to do SEO for Divi? Do websites built with this tool position well?

SEO for divi

Divi: main SEO strategies

On Page SEO techniques are not the only ones necessary for creating an effective content that stands out in search engines, but there is also technical SEO.

This series of SEO tools and strategies seek to optimize more structural and technical aspects of a web page to make it easier to crawl, index and classify by search engines. And this is where SEO for Divi comes into play.

To optimize your website created in Divi you must incorporate the best technical SEO strategies. This way, you can increase the chances of your content appearing at the top of the search results rankings.

Are websites made with Divi well optimized?

A few years ago, Divi received criticism because the use of this framework was associated with slow and poorly positioned SEO websites. However, today we know that this is not necessarily the case: with good technical work behind it, the results using Divi can be very good.

The speed of the website depends a lot on the level of technical knowledge of the programmer, as well as the commitment to optimize and improve the user experience by providing added value instead of filling the website with unnecessary content.

With these things in mind, there are a large number of projects made with Divi that are perfectly optimized to improve their performance and positioning in search engines.

Divi sample

Headings: The Golden Rule

This SEO technique applies to all content and platforms, as it is essential for it to be crawled correctly by search engines.

Titles and headings are usually placed under the well-known H1, H2, H3, etc. By using it, we can help crawlers detect what our most important content is.

It is important to highlight that they must be ordered and structured logically. In this way, search engines will be able to identify them more quickly and highlight them for their easy reading.

Additionally, it is important that they are optimized with attractive keywords and phrases that seem natural. This will allow the search engine to understand that it was written by a human being, and recognize the topic that he is talking about, at the same time that the reader will feel more attracted to read it.

Optimize visual content

Visual content is difficult for search engines to read because it is not written. For this reason, the new search engine updates prioritize content that contains a description of the visual elements so that all people can consume the content.

In Divi, it ​​is essential to descriptively name each image that is uploaded and add a description within the editing box, so that it is not set by default. In this way, search engines will be able to understand the content and verify that it is related to the rest of the text.

Site structure and internal links

Divi contains templates that make website creation even easier. However, as we typically edit, delete and add subpages, and sections and perform other actions that alter the original layout, sometimes the settings are altered. That is why you must pay attention to the general structure of the web page and configure internal links.

Every time you create or delete a section or subpage, make sure Divi’s settings are located in the correct part. An organized and logical structure will be appreciated by search engines and the reader.

On the other hand, Divi can be used to enhance the contents of the page itself. Thus, adding internal links in a responsible and consistent manner in new content can bring good SEO results.

Loading speed and mobile accessibility

Currently, most of the internet traffic happens on mobile devices. That is why all web pages must now be optimized for viewing on small and touch screens.

Divi allows you to perform this optimization for mobile automatically, but it also allows you to configure it so that you create an even more attractive version for smaller screens.

Following the same line, due to the immediacy of the digital era, content must load quickly and those who do so will be rewarded with better positions in the results ranking. And today, Divi has a lightweight and fast-loading interface.

However, you should pay attention and follow advice, such as not overloading images and audiovisual content, or uploading smaller (but high quality) images, but you can also incorporate plugins that help reduce the loading time of your website.


Divi has become one of the preferred themes for creating WordPress websites due to its ease of use and effective results. Optimizing your website with SEO in Divi is intuitive and easy since it is a tool with many features to enhance content.

On the other hand, if you want a better SEO implementation on your website created with Divi, you can install plugins such as Rank Math, All in One SEO Pack, and Yoast SEO, among others.

However, if you need to effectively and quickly position your online business, it is advisable to have experts in digital marketing and SEO.