If you already use Amazon Advertising to launch your advertising campaigns on Amazon or plan to do so for the first time in 2024, we want to remind you that it is important to stay up to date with the latest developments on the platform to achieve maximum performance from your ads.

Therefore, in this article, we tell you the latest updates and news about Amazon Ads. Take note!

How to boost your campaigns in Amazon Ads news and recommendations for 2024
How to boost your campaigns in Amazon Ads news and recommendations for 2024

Sponsored Brands Topic Targeting

This update to Amazon Ads aims to increase the performance of Sponsored brand campaigns and make them easier for brands to create.

Topic segmentation means that each segmentation group created within a Sponsored Brands campaign will be able to continuously and automatically update and optimize the keywords in the ad thanks to the help, on the one hand, of machine learning and, on the other hand, another, from the purchase data collected by Amazon Advertising.

keyword targeting - amazon adsSource: Amazon Ads

This means that Amazon Ads itself will be in charge of continually choosing the keywords for each objective and each segmentation group.

This will allow more sales to be achieved by showing the ad to more relevant audiences.

Additionally, campaign creators will be able to spend less time designing their campaigns in Amazon Ads, because they will no longer have to make manual adjustments as frequently.

Sponsored Product campaigns expand your reach

Now, Sponsored Products campaigns will be present in new applications and websites such as BuzzFeed or Pinterest, among others.

For now, this update has been released only in the United States, and, depending on how it goes in the country, it will be extended to others.

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Source: Amazon Ads

As you already know, Sponsored Products campaign ads take the audience who clicks on them to the page of the product they are interested in, and all of this only after one or two clicks. Therefore, with this new update, buyers will be able to come from many more origins.

AI image generation for Sponsored Products campaigns

This update is still in beta and is only available in the United States. It basically consists of Amazon Ads creating unique images of advertisers’ products in just a few seconds, following the brand image thanks to the use of generative models with Artificial Intelligence.

With this new feature, brands can create a wide variety of advertising images in just one click to promote their products on Amazon. These are some examples of what this Amazon Advertising Generative Artificial Intelligence is capable of.

Custom images - amazon ads
Amazon ads

Amazon has decided to launch this update for a very specific reason. And, according to one of its surveys carried out in 2023, 75% of its advertisers who were unable to create successful campaigns stated that the biggest challenge was facing the creation of visual material. Therefore, this novelty is going to be very useful for the majority of brands that sell their products in the largest marketplace in the world.

Sponsored TV, the new Amazon Ads solution

Sponsored TV is Amazon Ads’ solution so that advertisers of any size can show their campaigns on television through streaming platforms such as Twitch, Crackle, or Freevee, among others.

Of course, there will be no minimum budget to advertise as a brand through Sponsored TV. And if you are just starting out and still don’t have video resources to launch your campaigns through this solution, you can rely on Amazon Ads video creation and editing services.

Again, for now, it is only available in the United States to sellers who are brand owners and are enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry, as well as to suppliers and their agencies.

You may be thinking that this is nothing new since Amazon Advertising already offered the possibility of launching ads on streaming platforms. It’s true, and it did it through the Amazon DSP functionality. However, there are differences between both solutions.

Both use Amazon’s measurement capabilities, premium inventory, and proprietary signals to help brands better achieve their goals. However, to use Sponsored TV it is not necessary to require a minimum investment, while Amazon DSP requires a minimum investment per campaign of $50,000.

In Sponsored TV, campaigns work with the CPM (cost per thousand impressions) system, but Amazon DSP has elements that are not available in Sponsored TV such as access to inventory, audiences, and additional controls.

Sponsored Brand video formats can now redirect to a brand’s Amazon Store

This novelty is very interesting since it allows brands to launch Sponsored Brand video campaigns that do not necessarily have to be associated with a specific product. In this way, they can promote their image and tell their story to promote more and better brand awareness.

Sponsored brand videos - amazon ads
Source: Amazon Ads

7 recommendations to create effective marketing campaigns on Amazon Ads

Now that you know the latest news about Amazon Ads, we want you to continue getting the most out of your ads on the platform by putting these tips to the test.

Balance the visual and sound in your Amazon Ads videos

It is not recommended that your video ads base their strength or level of attractiveness on their dialogue or voice-over. A large part of the public will watch these videos without voice and, if you do not offer other elements (beyond voice or music) that engage your target audience, your campaigns will not have the expected results.

For this reason, it is recommended that, if you are going to include dialogue or voice-over, it only takes up a third of the ad, dedicating the rest to the image and useful text on the screen.

According to Amazon, videos that followed these guidelines achieved an average increase in detail page views of 27% compared to videos that had dialogue or voice-over for 80% or more of the video.

Humanize your ads

Do people appear in your Amazon Ads ads? Ads (particularly videos) that feature people for at least nine seconds have been shown to increase your average detail page view rate by 13% compared to videos that do not feature people.

And, furthermore, if the people who appear smile more or less half of the time they are on the screen, the results are even better and that percentage becomes 21%.

Launch new products at the right time

According to Amazon Advertising, the perfect time to launch new products and promote them, as well as to boost brand awareness, is the Christmas and New Year season (the first days of the year). This recommendation is especially applicable to small companies or those brands that are still little known.

Do you sell health and wellness products? Take advantage of January

According to Statista, the second most common New Year’s resolution for 2024 is to exercise, the third is to be healthier, and the fifth is to lose weight. Putting this data on the table, January is the perfect month to sell products related to health and well-being, as well as to offer discounts on these types of items and launch new items in this market niche.

Launch sponsored ad campaigns on Amazon Ads all year round

Sponsored ad campaigns have proven to be effective at different times of the year, not just on specific holidays. However, each brand has to find its seasons and its budget to launch its ads.

For example, it is very common to see how toy brands deactivate their advertisements once the entire Christmas period is over. But really, this doesn’t have to be the smartest option, as there are several festivities around the corner. As a brand, you should evaluate it based on your internal data.

Use powerful discount messages adapted to your objectives

It’s interesting to incorporate discount messages into your product ads. However, there are many discount messages, and you should choose one or the other depending on the key performance indicator (KPI) you want to improve.

For example, messages like “Save up to”

But it is also interesting to know when it is not necessary to use discount messages. For example, ads without these types of messages saw an increase in click-through rate ( CTR ).

Do you sell baby products? Pay attention to the lighting and color of your ads

Using bright, bright, vivid images and colors in baby product ads has been shown to increase different KPIs in Amazon Advertising, such as DPVR, PR, and ROAS.

The same goes for CTAs, those with bright colors have proven to work best.